Historic travel through Paris France is the next short guide for European historic travel. Paris is the capitol of France and was founded in the 3rd century BC by a group of Celtic people called the Parisii. This name is how the city got its name. By 12th century, Paris was the largest city. Many events have happened through the ages. There is the French Revolution in the 18th century and in both wars WWI and WWII Paris saw the brunt of the fighting and 1940 Germans marched through the city. There are many historic places to visit and learn about. There is something for anyone because of the different periods in history Paris France has witness. We will start with a couple of historic places to visit. Then we will walk on down for dining and finish with some accommodations you can stay at.
Historic Places

The first historic place to visit and probably the most famous is The Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was built between 1887 and 1889 based on the design of engineer Gustave Eiffel. Place de la Concorde is another site to visit. It was created by Louix XV and completed in 1763 and was the site where the guillotine put to death Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette and many others. Arènes de Lutèce was a Roman-style arena was built between the first and the 2nd century A.D. Catacombes de Paris where underground tunnels that date from the Roman period and in WWII, the catacombs were home to the French Resistance. Also in the eighteenth century, these underground tunnels were transformed into a labyrinth-like subterranean graveyard. L’Arc de Triomphe is the symbol of a French victory that was commissioned by Napoleon and completed in 1836. Another historic site is the Chateau de Versailles. This was the palace where royals like, Louis XIV, XV and XVI lived before the start of the French Revolution.

Feeling a little hungry walking around? First place to try is Bouillon Chartier, this restaurant is over 100 years founded in 1896. This a popular place to go so except queue lines. But, the lines move fast and thanks to being popular with the locals, it offers inexpensive and traditional dishes. Next on the list is Le Grand Véfour which is over 200 years offering finest place for gourmet food. Another place is Le Train Bleu which has been a restaurant since 1901. The food is mostly inspired by French gastronomic tradition. Les Deux Magot a café that was started in 1914 is where many famous people like Picasso and Hemingway use to hang out. Pricing is somewhat moderate. Last is Le Procope which was founded in 1686 by Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli as a coffee house.

Time for the accommodations and sleeping. First the La Relais du Louvre where parts of the hotel once accommodated printing presses used by Revolutionaries. Next the
Hotel Scribe which was constructed in 1861. Many famous people have stayed there along with people like, Wilhelm Rontgen presenting his discovery of X-rays in the place. St James and Albany Hotel located close to the center of Paris is another place to stay. This was once the home of the Dukes of Noailles and many royals visited before it became a hotel. Another option is rent a Holiday Apartments in Paris. There are many places to book and may be cheaper than booking at a hotel. Last on the list are bed and breakfast, like Villa La Riante, built-in 1869, just outside of Paris.
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